This is a tasty recipe which is very famous in South india.It has an nice flavour of saffron ,and richness of the milk in it.It has a beautiful colour which is again due to saffron.
Sooji - 1 cup
Milk - 3 cup
Water - 1 cup
Sugar - 2 cups
Cashews-2 tsp
Drygrapes-2 tsp
Almonds - 1 tsp
ghee - 1/2 cup
1.Take a large heavy bottom pan,Add 1/4 cup of ghee into it and add sooji to it and fry for about 5 mins till it turns light brown.
2.Now add milk and water and keep stirring it in medium heat.
3.Just when the liquids dry off add remaining ghee to it,then add the saffron soaked in warm milk and keep stirring it till the cooked sooji starts leaving the edges and forms a non-sticking mixture.and leaves the surface as a single mass.
4.Now add the ghee roasted dry fruits and mix properly.
5.Remove and place in a glass bowl.
6.It should be eaten when hot.
7.It will last for about 10-15 mins when refrigerated.