Papaya is a fruit which is rich in Vit-A. Its a good source of fiber and is really good for your eyes and even intestine. Its believed to reduce digestive problem and even increase the appitite. It helps in weight reduction. All in totally is a very healthy yet a yummy option. Papaya is a fruit which is edible even when its raw.
Semi- ripe papaya- 2-2.5 cups[ app 1large papaya]
Sugar - 1.5 cups
Saffron - 2 pinches
Cardamom - 2-3 pods[freshly powdered]
Ghee - 1 tbsp
Water - 2 tbsp
1. Grate the papaya and keep aside. I have used semi ripe papaya.
2. In a non-stick pan add the sugar and water and put on the heat. Just wait until the sugar melts.

3. Now add the grated papaya and mix properly.

4. Keep stirring until most of the liquid content evaporates and all the content form a single mass and leaves the bottom from the edges.

5. Add the saffron in about a tbsp of warm water and stir and keep aside for about 2 mins.
6. Now add the saffron with the water to the halwa mixture and stir properly.

7. Add the ghee to the mixture.
8. Now add freshly powdered cardamom to the mixture and stir and put off the heat. Enjoy hot or at room temperature.