I always enjoy icecream and cold frozen eatups when the weather is very coldor raining heavily.We always used to enjoy a cup full of ideal icecream in Mangalore.My godness it used to taste so good that i felt as if i was floating somewhere in heaven.i have tried out a new dish similar to the lemon slush what we had in hot summers when the temperature booms up...Hey this will be my contribution to pooja's valentine event i suppose....
4 cups- cranberry juice
4-5 tsp- lemon juice
1/2 cup- sugar
2 tsp - honey
1 cup- sparkling water[or water]

1.Take cranberry juice in a vessel and add lemon juice to it.mix properly
2.Then add sugar and dissolve it.Then add honey and mix it.
3.Add sparkling water or simple water and freeze it for 1-2 hrs.
4.Then take a fork and scrap up entire frozen drink and again place it in the freezer,
5.Now after 1hr again remove and scrape it and remove it to a cup and enjoy it before it melts .Hmm it cannot get much better believe me friends.You will enjoy each bite as i did....
Aanu hinge ippadara food network li de noditte. Looks delicious.Love the color
thanks akka,
HEe hee..
Its hot here in California and you have a lovely recipe with a Cool picture.
Isn't it a hard work to scrap of the ice with a fork? But I'm sure its worth all the effort.
Pink slush looks so chill my gal.I liked the pink colour and presentation too..
I think we can substitute cranberry with someother juice right?
AAAWWWWEEEE!!!!! That looks cute. :)
Hi Manjula,
Well its not that hard.You can do it very easily thats why i said freeze it just till it forms a firm mass thats all.
Hi Manjula,
Well its not that hard.You can do it very easily thats why i said freeze it just till it forms a firm mass thats all.
Hi Usha.
Yup i have tried it will almost all the juices.
Hi Coffe,
Thanks dear.
Beautiful color!!Is it for Pooja's event V day? Would be perfect.
I just have to wait for the Summer to roll in to try this!:)) Thanks.
Looks so prety and cold brrrrr
Love slush and yours is pretty in pink
Lovely pic, perfect for the valentine's season.It is pink all around!Happy V's day
Hey SOmuya
Looks soooo refreshing!! love the colour.
BTW I made tomato omblet on weekend for b'fast, looks like i'm only one in my family don't know a'ut this yummy b'fast. As I started mixing ingredients my husband came and asked me ARE U MAKING TOMATO OMBLET!!!! I was suprised..... then slowly told me that he use to eat a lot in his childhood days and this is my FIL's fav dosa.Thanks a lot for lovely recipe. Everyone loved it, even lil one.
Oops!!!Sorry I misspelled ur name:(
hi soumya
for sure i am saying this must be very delocious..the picture itself looking very tasty.mmmm..
Hi Asha,
Thanks dear.
Well i feel this will be great for pooja's valentine even.
Hi Sandeepa,
Well pink is my favorite color too..Thanks deae
Hi lakshmi,
Thanks dear.Happy valantine to you too.
Hi padmaja,
Thanks dear.Happy to know that you all liked it..Good to hear this ..
Hey Swapna,
Thanks dear...it really tasets good,fun preparing and looks great what do you say?
Lovely Shade of Pink Soumya! and a healthy recipe too with all that cranberry juice in it!
ohhh my....what a lovely colour...yep just right for Pooja's event...thanks for sharing
Hi Trupthi,
Thanks dear..
Hello Dilipji,
Thanks .I totally agree with you.the pink just boosts up the lovely look of this dish
That looks really romantic. Nice color.
This sounds so good and refreshing!
hi Soumya,
Nicve pink colored contributuon for the theme. I love it. it looks so cool! thanks for sharing and participating with this. I am glad to have your entry :)
This looks so refreshing. Thanks!
HI Lakshmi,
Thanks dear.
Hi Nicole,
It is refreshing .
Hi Pooja,
The pleasure is mine.Thanks dear
Hi Hema,
Thanks dear
Hi Soumya..wow,pink slush looks so nice.very beautiful pink colour.
Wowwwwww!!! that rosie pink color is so beautiful...pink slush is looking perfect.
Thats so beautiful Soumya! Its looking as if they are real crystals, just need to string them together to make a beautiful crystal neckless. OH! I am so impressed and will definitely try it. Its presentation is also very creative.
Cheers, Nidhi.
Hi vani,
Thanks dear.Well i totally agree with you pink is my altime favorite color
Hi sri,
Thanks dear.
Hi Nidhi,
Thanks dear.Well now i feel it looks like cute crystals....
Hi Soumya,
Just the thing for a hot summer day. :)
Hi Sangeetha,
Thank you very much
Its cool!!!! looks great Soumya.Will have to wait till summer to make this and I think my daughter will love this
Hi Sowmya,
My son likes slurpy, I will try this sometime, Thanks for sharing.
nice & easy one:-)will try for my 2 monkeys;-)
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