Here is a recipe of a sweet dish which is very famous in the south Indian states especially Karnataka and Kerala. It smells awesome and even the taste is so good. The mouth watering taste of this recipe makes you get edicted to it. The recipe is very easy and you can never get it wrong.It contains less fat and good for health too.
Banana is considered to be the most nutricious fruit .Its rich in many salts and minerals which are very essential to our body like pottasium and zincBanana is a rich source of carbohydrates and fat .It also softens the stools and helps in pushing out the wastes from our body timely and in a easy manner.Hence one must always involve it in thier routine diet may be in different forms if desired.
Required Ingredients:
10 big bananas - Mashed properly with hand
3 cups - sugar
1 tsp - cardammon
4 Tsp - ghee
2tsp - ghee tosted cashews

1.Take a heavy bottomed pan.Heat it and then add the mashed bananas to this heated pan
2.Continously stir it till it turns slightly brown now add 3 cups of sugar
3.Continue stirring it till it turns dark brown and it starts leaving the bottom of the pan and forms a combined single mass.
4.Now add ghee and stir ,then add the cashews and stir.Be carefull at this pointTO prevent it from stick to the bottom of the pan.
5.Greese a plate with oil/ butter /ghee and keep aside.
6. Now pour the mass of the banana into this plate and allow it to cool.When its almost cool draw lines in desired shapes and allow it to cool completly then cut and store in a box.It lasts for more than a month .

wow soumya banana halwa is one of my favorate too and can eat at least 5 to 6 pieces at a time ...enjoy gal!!
i tried this too....but it became bit harder first so i made it like chocolates...but after 2 days we can bite and eat it....anyways its too yummy....whole day I keep on eating this now.... :) Its very simple to make too as u said..
What kind of banana did you use, Soumya? Can one make it with the long, floury types that we normally get outside India? awaiting to try this one...
Hi Sowmya, I love banana halwa and wanted to make it today. Came here thru google and must say the halwa here looks great. I am goin to follow ur method and make it today. Will post it soon in my blog.
Hi Soumya,
Good to see another Mangalorian..
I loved your Banana halwa.. planning to try it today..I generally make a similar halwa with mixed fruits which is on my blog..
Can we use jaggery instead of sugar....will then it be turn out the same as it is shown in the picture...
I tasted Banana jamoon, waw :-) now I got to taste another sweet dish of Banana, Banana Halva. I will surely give it a try very soon.
I also found some interesting recipes at http://hungryzone.com , may be you all can visit it.
I tasted Banana jamoon, waw :-) now I got to taste another sweet dish of Banana, Banana Halva. I will surely give it a try very soon.
I also found some interesting recipes at http://hungryzone.com , may be you all can visit it.
Used to eat tons of it when next door neighbours make it for christmas. Bringing back nostalgic memories. Followed your recipe and exact same taste.
Used to eat tons of it, during christmas, when next door neighbours made it. Bringing back nostalgic memories!!!
Used to eat tons of it, during christmas, when next door neighbours made it. Bringing back nostalgic memories!!! Surprised to know, there are few ppl besides me who have tasted this in TN/Kerala/KA
how long will it take to turn light brown color?
Hi, the recipe is simple except for some hard work on the stirring part I had a few questions, is it better to keep it refrigerated to cool faster? Also it never turns out as dark as in the picture, might that depend on how ripe the banana used is or the stirring time. Would be helpful to know..hope its not a bother! thanks for the yummy recipe again!
Hey Somya , it's so new to me as i am punjabi ,eager to try this receipe, then i'll come back to u. Thanx for ur nice receipes.
Super looking Halwa, banana is my favorite and i can eat it in any and every form. Got a new recipe now! thanks for posting. Am following u;)
iT IS VERY NICE .......
Soumya, I have been searching for this recipe..thanks for sharing.. my mouth is already watering..hehe
it tastes awesum..lovd it..
There is another version of banana halwa too:)
Very nice post
Even i tried this one
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