Samosa are my hubby's altime favorite.He loves them so much that he can eat them at anytime of day.But as they are deep fried i always try to avoid them.So i thought of trying them in a different way avoiding deep fry i.e baking and to my surprise it came out very good.So i thought of sharing it with you all....
All purpose flour - 2 cups
Margarine - 2 tbsp
salt - 1 tsp
For the stuffing:-
Potatoes - 2 large
Carrots - 2
Peas - 1 cup
Onion - 1 large
Beans - 1/2 cup
Green chillies - 1 large [Optional]
Turmeric powder -1/4 tsp
garam masala - 1/2 tsp
Kitchen king masala-1/2 tsp
Cumin - 1 tsp
Oil - 1tsp

1.Take flour,salt and 1/2 tbsp of margarine and add water and make a dough out of it just like chapathi and keep aside.Melt the remaing margarine and keep ready.
2.Then roll out into square chapathi's.Then grease it with melted margarine on the inner surface ,then fold it into half then again grease the inner side touching the margarine with your fingers.Then again fold it and roll ou into a sheet just like how you do for ghee parata's.These are the base for your samosa's.
3.Now for the stuffing cook all the vegetables in microwave.
4.Take a pan , add cumin and 1 tsp oil.Allow cumins to splutter then add onions and saute till they turn golden brown.
5.Then add all the veggies,season with salt,and the masala powder sprinkle with little water and mix all of them together.
6.Now cut the rolled out dough into small squares of about 3 inch lenght.
7.Roll out a cone fill the stuffing and seal the edges like a pie using the fork tooth.
8.Bake in a pre-heated oven of 350deg F for 20-30 mins until done.
9.Keep checking and rotating the sides of the samosa.
10.Enjoy with coriander chutney or tomato sauce.Healthy,tasty and crisphot samosa's are ready.
WAH!!!! Fat free Samosas!!!!
The plate looks cute :)
wow what a healthy way to cook samosas
chanagi kandta idde
Indeed looks great.I love the shape of the Samosas.If you spray some oil lightly ,you will get a uniform color on the Samosas. Yummy!:)
wow!!! finally a healthy version of samosa's..I haven't made samosa's in ages ..coz i don't want2 deep fry them..will def try this version..do post more recipes like this one:))
wow, oven bakes samosa looks delicious soumya. Will have to try this fat-free guilt-free version!
Ooooh... guilt free snacking! I too loooooooooove samosas, but eat VERY sparingly......
That plate is cool!
Wow - now I can binge on samosa :)- your recipe is so healthy. Thanks for sharing
Thats so wonderful, Oven baked!!
I know how tough it is to make those outer coverings stand stiff. I could never get them hold their cone shape :(
thats one cool recipe soumya. baking is much healthier than deep frying:) by the way i like that colourful flower plate u have got there. tumba cute iddu:)
Wow, baked samosas. A healthier version. I must give them a try.
Wow, they look as good as a deep fried samosa!
Thanks everyone for your responce.I thought you all will like it.
Cool! I will surely try this. This might have 60-70% less calories than the deep fried ones.
good that you have posted recipe on oven Baked Samosa, now even I can eat it.
samosas looks g8.
Hi Soumya,
Wonderful samosas with fat free method....Thanks for sharing.
I am new to this blog.I have to say those samosas r great.I too like samosas but avoid because deep fried so thank u for this version.
This is really healthy Soumya, Tks for sharing. Viji
Hmmmmm ... basked samosas..
Thats a nice idea ... Will definitely try it
Hoi namaskara
I had few pastry sheets left and desperately wanted to eat samosa!I didnt want to deep fry not for health reasons but just the hassle of it.So google oven samosas and your recipe came up!!Thanks alot.
I have just made it and it looks gr8.The filling has come out gr8 as well.Though shaping it to look like samosa was difficult.tempted to simply roll it to a spring roll!
tried smearing with butter on top to get glistening look,not successfull.
ok I am now going to eat,dhanyavadagalu
Thanks for the great recipe, I can't wait to try this one out... I have been a diabetic for 10 years now and can't tell you how happy I am to find this recipe.
I am going to try and reduce the quantity of potatoes and Margerine and try.
Thanks for the recipe. All of us are going to enjoy eating lots of samosas today. Wow. Great Description too.
Soumya, I have been searching for a baked samosa recipe for ages. So delighted to come across yours. Please tell me how much water you use to make the dough. For chapatis, I use 1 cup flour to 1/2 cup water. Eagerly awaiting your reply.
Soumya, I have been searching for a baked samosa recipe for ages. So delighted to come across yours. Please tell me how much water you use. For chapatis, I use 1 cup flour to 1/2 cup water. Eagerly awaiting your reply.
I tried them today, they turned out quite good and it was definetly a guilt free feeling. I did make some variations.
I made the filling with sweet patotoes, potatoes, peas and corn.
And used no oil except to baste on the samosas so they dont dry duting baking.
And lastly used half wheat flour and half maida.
My husband is diabetic too so wanted something helthy. And he loved them.
Thanks for the recipe.
I also bake samsosas for a healthy snack...in fact, take it one step further and use wholemeal flour too. They are different, but divine! You can see pictures on my blog: http://mangosoup.blogspot.com/2009/08/baked-wholemeal-samosas.html
wow finally a baked samosa, i have been looking for ages!
1) Oil doesn't make you fat. In fact, it is good because it is more difficult to process than carbohydrates (say, sugar, or white flour).
2) Deep fried goods don't absorb much oil.
However, deep frying is a pain, so I'm glad you put this up. They look great!
Oh that sounds good! I have never tryed Samosas but i saw them on TV and wanted to make my own! I Do hope they are as good as you make them sound! :)Can't wait to try them--------- Teagger123 ;)
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! WOW these were SO AWESOME! my husband and i were thrilled! these are JUST as good as the full-fat fried ones with a billion less calories. my kaphaness thanks you. i used ingredients that i had in the house: whole wheat flour and ghee instead of white flour and marg. THEN, we had a bad storm and our power went out (for hours). i had the filling halfway cooked already, so i just steamed it in tinfoil on the grill to finish. then i stuffed the dough and cooked the samosa on the grill over tinfoil instead of in the oven. it worked like a charm. the samosas made us so happy especially when we could have been cranky about the power being out. all of your bread recipes look great. (and the rest of your recipes!) i do not eat much dairy, and several indian bread recipes i have seen call for dairy. i am very happy to have stumbled upon your blog. i want to thank you for sharing your stories and recipes. it makes me smile to read about how happy it makes you to see your husband enjoy what you cook for him.
Hi Soumya
I really liked the baked version of samosa, which I was searching since long. I tried it in microwave but seems, there was some problem in baking temp.
Can u plz provide me with temp and which mode of microwave should I use (microwave, grill / convection etc)
thanx a ton
Different hands output different shapes of samosas.Cool recipe. I love samosas deep fried in frying pan for crispy, spicy and hot with tea or coffe as the evening snack.
Thanks for nice post
Looks like a bit like cornish pasty!
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