There are totally 6 varities of tastes and sweet is one among them.Well i aways like to have spicy things along with that like sweets as a second option.There are some perticular sweets which i like to have.Banana payasam in one among those.Banana is a healthy fruit ,easily avilable and very cheap indeed.This is a perticular varity of fruit which is available through out the year and we need not wait for the season.It can be eaten raw by preparing wonderful curries and riped banan's are simple devine when added to any sweetdishes it enhances the flavour and gives a peculiar varity of richness.
I had some guests comming over to my house this weekend and had no time to prepare sweet.I saw some riped banana's in my counter top so thought of preparing something out of them.As it hardly takes 15 minutes to prepare this sweet dish and the ingredients required is also so simple andminimali prepared itIt came out so good that all of my guest loved it and wrotedown the recipe.We all had fun and the speciality is nobody could make out it was prepared out of banana.
Well ripe banana's- 2 large
Milk - 2 cups
water -1/2 cup
Jaggery -1/2 cup[powdered]
Cardammom -1/2 tsp
saffron -2 piches
Butter -3 tsp

1.Mash the riped banana's with hand so as to form a rough paste.
2.Take a pan add 2 tsp of butter to it and allow it to melt.Then add the banana paste to it and fry till it turns slighty brown.
3.Then add jaggery to it and keep mixing properly when all the jaggery is properly incorporated ,add milk and water to it and simmer and allow it to cook for 5 mins
4.Take 1 tsp of butter in a bowl and add1 tsp each of scliced almounds,cashews and raisins to it and roast it in microwave.
5.Now add the saffron to the payasam and bring to a boil.then add cardammom powder and butter roasted dry fruits to it and mix properly and bring to aboil and allow it to enhance the flavour by increasing the heat and cooking for another 4 mins.
6.Serve hot or cold as kheer as per your likings.