Here are the simple recipes for a tasty and healthy btreakfast .One recipe and various different presentation and taste too...I bet you will love it ...just like me.Myself and N are not ones with sweet tooth.But this is a thing what we both loved .Its so soft tasty and smells great. Just try this and fall in love with it.Thats all i wanna say....

Rice - 3cups
Coconut - 1/2 cup
water -7 cups
Salt - as per taste
1.Soak the rice in warm water for a couple of hours .
2.Add the water used for soaking along with the rice to a blender and grind it to almost nice paste to the size of small rava or just like what we do for idli.Add the coconut grates at the end and turn for 30 secs.
3.Now add enough salt and the water mentioned above into a heavy bottomed pan.Then add the batter of rice and coconut to it and keep stirring.Let the burner be in medium only because the rice batter cooks very quickly.Keep stirring right from the bottom.The lumps will form dont worry keep mashing them and do not stop stirring.
4.This will take about 8-10 mins.Wait till all the mixture forms a single mass and the consistancy should be enough to roll out into small balls.Then remove from the heat .
This is the Basic dough for all the up comming dishes.
Rice dumplings / Pundi/akki unde:-

1.Keep a bowl of cold water with few ice cubes next to you.
2.Roll out the cooked rice mixture into small balls .Hands will get hot so frequenty dip your hands in cold water.This will help your hands from getting too hot and will also help to form a nice smooth pundi.
3.Now cook or steam the pundi's in the cooker just like idli for 10-15 mins.Thens erve with hot curry out of spinach ,redleaves and black eye bean curry{bendi}.hmm just love it .
Can enjoy it with spicy chutny or just oil and pickle...

Sweet undde:-
This is also called modaka in some place .We genarally prepare it during chowthi also..Well for me i prepare it whenever i crave for it.

Other than the comman cooked rice mixture we require following also:
1/2 cup -coconut grates
3 tbsp - jaggery/ sugar[ i have used jaggery]
1/4 tsp - cardammom powder

-Mix all the ingredients together
-MAke a small ball out of teh rice mixture .
-Then press and flatten it andthen stuff the coconut jaggery stuffing to it about a spoon full and then cover the edges just like what we do for parata and make a ball again
-Steam cook again in the same way as pundi for 10-15 mins.
-Enjoy when hot or cooled properly any time they taste supperb.
Hallitu payasa:-
Same cooked rice dough can be used.

10-14- small cooked rice dumplings
4 ounces- milk
4 ounces-coconut milk
4 ounces-water
Jaggery -as per your taste
1/4 tsp- cardammom powder

-Make small balls or thin cylindrical threads by rolling in between your hands or like chakkuli, out of the same dough and then steam cook it for 10 mins.
-Then take a vessel add water, jaggery, cardammom powder to it and finallywhen the jaggery melts add coconut milk,milk and then the rice balls or the small thin cylindrical treads into this mixture and bring to a boil.
-Serve hot or cool and serve like kheer.Tastes yummy...